Work In Progress

My Brother Inspired Me To Write About Cambodia

“”Not many Americans know/recall that time, much less have been there,” my brother texted me. “Blend the historic with your experience.” It is January 7, 2022, bitter-cold and windy outside, and a pandemic has been raging for the past two years. A few days ago my brother, DJ, had mentioned listening to Slaughterhouse 5 by… Continue reading My Brother Inspired Me To Write About Cambodia

Misc Blog · Work In Progress

Allowing Characters to be Fools (WIP) It Chose Three

I’m not going to put every new or revised scene on here, but I find it very helpful to get some of the “bigger” ones out where people are commenting. I also have come across a new roadblock I was having before: allowing my characters to be fools. I only have one cringe-worthy scene with… Continue reading Allowing Characters to be Fools (WIP) It Chose Three

Misc Blog · Work In Progress

“It Could Be Worse” WIP It Chose Three

As I continue to reprocess what happened, more things are surfacing. I am learning to turn it right back around and put it into scenes. It’s no surprise “it could be worse” showed up. “It could be worse” is a special kind of guilt that we can lay on ourselves and/or others can lay upon us.… Continue reading “It Could Be Worse” WIP It Chose Three